
Dana Kippel
Dana Kippel was adopted and raised in Suffern, NY.
As a child, she dealt with severe bullying and sexual abuse followed by a drug addiction until she was 21.
Slowly, she realized she was worthy of trusting and healthy relationships, self-love, and going after her dreams.
She moved to Los Angeles, where she began to act in and direct films.
Her first feature Reflect, a metaphysical film about shadow work and female trauma is on Apple TV, Amazon Prime, and Tubi.
Her short film Damaged, with a mission to bring compassion to the complex issue of relapse and addiction, is currently on the festival circuit. It won an award for its humanitarian efforts at the prestigious LA Shorts International Film Festival.
Her second science-fiction feature is currently in development.

Dana has built a large following on TikTok and enjoys posting about her metaphysical theories with a special interest in Plasma Intelligence and how it intersects with mental health, the future, and science.
She is currently working on a theory that proves the fourth state of matter, Plasma, is the vehicle for and holds consciousness. Her first book, A New Force, on this subject is due to release in 2025.
Dana enjoys speaking about her theories at events and conferences surrounding the topics of metaphysics, spirituality, consciousness, futurism, science, and philosophy.
She also spends her days writing poems and short stories about speculative futures and imagining new science fiction tales for her movies.
Her motivation is that her books and movies inspire better futures and connect people to their inner power and curiosity. Dana’s one message if she had any would be to remember the magic of life, for it sits in every moment.